Plaque Analysis: Reveal the True Plaque Burden

Heartflow's Plaque Analysis represents a significant advancement in proactive care for CAD. As a non-invasive, AI-enabled disease management tool, it provides clinicians a better path towards accurate risk assessment and personalized care.

plaque map


Demonstrated accuracy in quantifying and characterizing coronary plaque so clinicians can be confident in their diagnosis and management


agreement with IVUS in precisely quantifying and characterizing coronary plaque.1


Quantifies calcified, non-calcified, and low attenuation plaque to help clinicians assess extent of CAD risk and provide personalized treatment.


Achieve better treatment decisions earlier to
reduce risk and adverse events associated with
cardiovascular disease.

7x Risk of Major Cardiac Event

for patients in a high total plaque volume cohort, compared to a low plaque volume cohort.2

Nearly 50%

of patients with a Calcium Score of 0 were reclassified to a more aggressive therapy approach.3


of patients in the DECODE Study received a refined management plan when Plaque Analysis was utilized.3

How It Works

When ordering a CCTA for patients, clinicians can include Heartflow Plaque Analysis to enhance their diagnostic confidence and potentially improve patient outcomes through tailored treatment strategies.

screenshot of plaque analysis

Plaque Analysis in
Heartflow One

Current methods of assessing patient CAD risk, including risk scores and other surrogate markers, are leaving patients under-treated. Plaque quantification is the only tool to accurately assess overall plaque burden to drive personalized treatment for improved outcomes.
Heartflow One Integrated Workflow 
CCTA performed, then automatically and securely sent to Heartflow
Heartflow AI enabled analysis of anatomy and physiology
All available analysis delivered*
Analysis automatically delivered to PACS and EMR

Median Turnaround Time is 90 minutes

[Plaque Analysis] can actually help guide our treatment by identifying high risk plaque components…It’s treating the whole patient and their overall risk, not just the one component of that risk.

Sarah Rinehart, MD, FACC, FSCCT
Medical Director CV Imaging, CT and Nuclear
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Discover how you can use Heartflow to advance your approach to coronary artery disease diagnosis, treatment and management.