Coronary Care

Heartflow’s vision is to transform CAD from the leading cause of death into a disease that can be managed for life. Our first-of-its-kind AI analysis creates a detailed 3D model of the heart – a window into your patient’s future, empowering you with insights to personalize each treatment journey.

See CAD. Manage for life.

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Rewrite Your Patients' Future With Coronary CTA + Heartflow

Conventional diagnostic methods frequently provide misleading information that can result in undiagnosed disease, unnecessary procedures, incorrect treatment plans, poor patient experience, and increased cost to healthcare systems.

Conventional Diagnostic Methods

  • Stress EKG
  • Stress Echo
  • PET
  • Calcium Score
  • Invasive Cath
20-30% False Negatives
that lead to undetected diseases1

55% False Positives
that lead to unnecessary procedures2

Pathways As Unique
As Each Patient

Generic risk factors, markers, or proxies for disease all fail to see your patients as the individuals they are. Confidently create treatment pathways personalized to each patient you see.

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woman sitting near the window

The Platform To
Manage CAD For Life:
Heartflow One

Coronary CTA (CCTA) + Heartflow reveals clear pathways for your patients. With Heartflow, a CCTA scan is transformed into a dynamic and personalized 3D model of the heart, assessing anatomy and physiology. Providing clarity and confidence with better disease insights to ensure your next decision is the right one for your patients.

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Roadmap™ Analysis
Efficiently read every CCTA with consistent results across readers. Fast, accurate and early detection of CAD.
Learn more about Roadmap™ Analysis
FFRCT Analysis
Assess blood flow anywhere in the coronary tree. Determine the benefit of revascularization.
Learn more about FFR<sub>CT</sub> Analysis
Plaque Analysis
Quantify and characterize plaque. Inform risk and manage disease.
Learn more about Plaque Analysis
Heartflow Support
Clinical, operational, technical and financial resources to build and grow efficient and scalable CCTA programs. A partnership for life that goes beyond Heartflow’s technology.
Learn more about Heartflow Support

I think Coronary CTA with Heartflow One is the future of cardiology. It helps us understand the disease from whether you have non-obstructive or a low, mild disease to a severe disease that actually needs intervention.

Dr. Milind Parikh, Director of Preventive
Cardiology and Cardiac CT, Image One
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Measurable Impact

Patients Treated
Institutions Using Heartflow and Growing
of US Lives

Discover how you can use Heartflow to advance your approach to coronary artery disease diagnosis, treatment and management.